Saturday, March 08, 2025

Moral Ed. : Consideration for others

Why do these things happen? A chapter on trouble at school. What's the purpose of promises, rules? What happens when people break them? What should we be mindful of as individuals and members of society? >
So, why are there rules, norms? The story of the pumpkin's tendril. A bright, sunny morning. The pumpkin's runner grew and grew. It extended into the roadway, and bumblebee buzzed along to remonstrate. But pumpkin heeded not. You think I care? Butterfly fluttered by. Your pumpkin patch has plenty of room for your tendril, pumpkin, butterfly pointed out. But I want to grow out in this direction, replied pumpkin.
Pumpkin's tendril crossed the road and entered the watermelon patch. Hey, pumpkin, stay out of my patch. My runner is barely in your field, no problem. But pumpkin's tendril grew until it covered watermelon's own. Along came puppy: Hey, pumpkin, this is everyone's path. Why can't you just step over me, replied pumpkin.

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